9 Simple Steps to Creating Your Vision and Making It Stick

January is here and it’s the dreaded resolution time. Perhaps this year you can create change from a lighter and easier perspective. Instead of making resolutions from a place of lack or limitation, guilt or shame, consider asking yourself what is my best interest for the highest good. Recognize that you can choose to transform yourself into more of what you already are, instead of thinking that you are broken, or need to change yourself into something that you’re not. Michelangelo, stated that when he carved David, he freed his image from the stone that surrounded him. It’s like looking at aspects of yourself as a diamond in the rough, one that has been covered in layers of mud; the dirty layers just need to be wiped away in-order for your brilliance to shine. In-order-to dig deep and uncover your heart’s desires you’ll need to do some inner and outer work.

Doing the Inner Work

Step #1 Create the right environment and get centered

Set up your space to support you while you go on your inward journey. Make sure you have time to be alone without interruption. Grab a notebook and pen, make yourself a cup of tea, turn on some quiet music or light a fire. Start with a centering meditation to clear your mind and get into your heart. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths and connect with your body. Closing your eyes allows you to get out of your head and into your heart. Let go of all expectations and connect with part of you that knows; your higher self, your heart space. From this place, you are connected to infinite possibility where all answers are abundant and readily available.

Step#2 What are your dreams?

Write down 5 dreams you had or have from three time periods of your life.• Past: What were your dreams growing up as a child or young person?• Present: What are your current dreams today?• Future: What do you dream for your future?Circle the ones that stand out to you.

Step#3 Write your goals

Close your eyes again and tap back into your heart. Ask what is your heart’s desires right now? Come from a place of fullness and let go of limitations. If there was nothing holding you back what would your dream for? From this place write your goals that are most important to you. Write them in categories of nine aspects of your life which relates to the Feng Shui Bagua Map. Write at least five in each category. Feel free to write more. Career and Your life’s journey- NorthPersonal growth and wisdom, spirituality- NortheastFamily - EastSuccess and money-SoutheastYour reputation and recognition, how you are known in the world- SouthYour romantic relationships- SouthwestYour relationships with your children and your inner creativity-WestHelpful people in your life and the ability to travel- NorthwestHealth, Harmony, Unity- Center

Tip#5 Narrow down the most important goals

In number of importance rate your goals as 1- being most important, and 3 being the least important. Once you’ve narrowed down the most important goals stop, close your eyes, take a breath.

Tip#6 Transform your goals into affirmations

It’s time to take your goals and shift them into affirmations. Write them as if you already have what you desire. Make your words juicy and inspiring. Write in present tense using the words “I am” or “I have”. There is no time line in the quantum field. When you say “I am” you are manifesting or attracting right here and now. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between current time and future time. “I am so grateful I found my beloved and am madly in love.” or “I am at my perfect weight and fit perfectly into my skinny jeans!” or “I am earning more money beyond what I ever imaged!”

Tip#7 Declare and Embody

State each affirmation out loud with meaning. How does it feel, taste, sound and look? If it doesn’t move you then make it juicer. What would you hear yourself or other people saying once you’ve reached this state? How has your life changed? What does it look like? If there was a movement associated with the feeling of the affirmation what would it look like? If you received a check in the mail for $100,000 dollars how would your body react? Would you jump up and down? Would you open your hands wide and raise your arms up to the sky? Embody the movement and the feeling.

Doing the Outer Work

Tip#8 Find Symbols for your affirmations

Your next step is to find symbols or images that represent your dreams. You can also narrow down your affirmations to words, like clarity, love, wisdom, strength, self-confidence, radiance, perfect health, abundance.• Gather pictures or words from magazines or google images.• Write your affirmations on a piece of paper in red ink.• Find symbols or décor for your home that represents what your affirmation looks like.

Tip#9 Placing your symbols

Make your images and symbols be visual and place in your home, office on a vision board.• Let your home be a 3D vision board for your life’s aspirations. Add meaningful artwork, decor, or symbols, on your walls and furniture that remind you of your affirmations. Place on your nightstand, your desk or wherever you will see it and feel inspired by it.• Create a vision board and place a photograph of yourself in the middle and lay the images around the outside of your photo in order of the bagua map and each aspiration of your life. Orient the bagua directions with north at the bottom, south at the top, east on left and west on right.• Place your affirmations in your bedroom, your office, on your screen savers, or where they will have the most impact for you to see it.

Tip #10 Focus, Refine and Embody

Read your affirmations on a regular basis. Make changes as you go along according to what you feel or need. Practice speaking out loud how amazing it is to have acquired your dreams. Make the movement associated with your affirmations! Jump up and down with excitement and tell the universe you are so happy for XYZ and get into the feeling of it. Play music and do a happy dance to your affirmation. Celebrate what is to come as if it is already yours. Because after all you deserve the best life has to offer and if you believe you will receive. Sign up to receive newsletter with helpful articles


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