“Wings up Angels! "

As we say in The Sophia Code movement, “Wings up Angels!” I just returned from my latest trip to Sedona for The Dragon Heart Leadership Council with Kaia Ra of The Sophia Code and wanted to share some highlights.

At this event we discussed how each one of us is a leader and earth angel in one way or another whether we show up in big ways or small, within our career, family, or personal life. We influence others in ways that can make a big difference which ultimately affects all of humanity, one person at a time. 

We explored how the world seems to be unraveling now more than ever, and to question what intuitively doesn’t feel right within the raw edges of truth and deception. We played with the fiery magic of The Sophia Dragons to give us courage to stand up and show up for what each one of us is here to do to make this earth a better place.

We delved into areas where we tend to hide, sabotage, or punish ourselves and questioned where those deep self-defeating thoughts came from, whether it was from our parents, ancestors, authority figures, or societal programing, and how to transform them by the fire of our own Highest Self. After all, we are made in the likeness and image of Source, God or Universe (whatever name you use), that seeks to express itself through us and we are being called to tap in and lead from the truth of our sovereign connection to Divinity.

Finally, we shared this time together held in loving community with dear friends and surrounded in the beautiful healing vortex energy within Sedona. I felt blessed to be around so many who chose to explore tough subjects and delve into a higher sense of self-mastery.

If any of this strikes a cord within our heart, and you’d like to discover a new way of living from your highest expression, I invite you to consider joining my next Sophia Circle Journey® starting on October 25th. This is a hybrid experience happening both virtually and in-person at The Landenberg Loft. 


Through this journey I learned that I am powerful, I am light, I am love, and I am a sovereign woman who is capable of creating anything that I desire or feel pulled to create. The Sophia Code was a validation of what I knew in my heart: That throughout my life the choices made and accomplishments achieved/ mistakes were lessons learned. That I am unstoppable in achieving anything that I desire. That my higher self is leading me to exactly the right thing for me at exactly the right time. I would recommend The Sophia Code Circle Journey to anyone. Wherever they are there is growth and ascension to experience.” ~Lisa H.

For more testimonials click the link above and discover what others have shared about their journey.

Here are a few things you can discover:

  • Deeply resource your inner wisdom that comes from your divinity.

  • Heal deep unconscious wounds of suffering, punishment, and viral programming.

  • Compassionately forgive yourself and others for your deepest wounding

  • Feel your anger and rage to catapult into greater aspects of reconciliation with radical love. 

  • Manifest beyond what you thought was possible with your divine potential.

Click this link and learn why I am inspired to share this Codex with others.


My Transformational Journey with The Sophia Code and Why I am Inspired to Share this Codex with Others